1. Book your Edit
Choose your turnaround time (5 days or 2 days) from the menu and fill in the form with as many details as you like, including your brief, your final output and any other ideas you have. Right after booking, you will receive an e-mail with a link where you’ll be able to find a simple step-by-step guideline on what to send and how to send it.
2. Let’s talk!
After seeing all your material, I will e-mail you to arrange a 30 minutes appointment on Skype, during which we will discuss together the possible directions to take with the Edit and other details, so that we will be on the exact same page before I start the work.
3. Work
Is this the right “vision” for you? Awesome! I will start the hard work, choosing your very best pictures and sequencing them for your chosen layout, maximising their impact and narrative.
4. Edit Delivery
Single Edits will be delivered within the Turnaround Time that you have selected on the order form (5 or 2 business days), via WeTransfer. Depending on your final layout, the included sequence will be either embedded in the file names (progressive order) or adapted to a mock layout.
Any remaining doubts or questions? Please have a look at the FAQ or just get in touch!
I look forward to working with you soon!