Manos Chatzikonstantis is a Travel Photographer based in London (UK) and Athens (Greece); his fantastic eye for details, combined with a natural gift for understated, authentic-feeling imagery, makes him one of the most talented Travel photographer I have crossed paths with. His work has been published by several international clients for which he produced many assignments, mostly on Travel & Food topics.
Manos asked me if I could help him on a mentoring basis for a complete re-launch of his work on the market. We went through his website together and brainstormed about his work possibilities, his goals but most of all we individuated his real dream: to work more as an Editorial Travel Reportages photographer.
We outlined an Action Plan together and divided the goals that we had set in different Steps:
1. Defining a strong Visual Brand on the basis of existing stories, possible future stories, existing targets, desired targets, commercial needs, inspirational photographers etc;
2. Re-organizing his entire body of work (Commissions, Personal Work, Published Work etc) in a way that conveyed the Editorial work he wanted to create, while showing his skills for more Commercial oriented projects;
3. Reviewing of all existing material under a Production Profile (both technical and artistic) with the aim of setting the highest possible standards for future productions;
4. Individuating a personal, recognizable style for Post Production, which would enhance past and future work and at the same time strengthen his Visual Identity;
5. Providing new skills for Finding/ Researching/ Networking (with) new Contacts.
Manos and I worked together over Skype and emails for some very intense weeks; after a complete editing and sequencing of all his work, we selected the stories that would give him a strong new visual identity and we were thrilled to see that some of his personal projects, which he never shared before, would fit perfectly with the rest of his work and actually greatly enhanced his profile. At the end of the First Step, when he saw the results, Manos wrote me an email: “Do you know – he said – I think I would hire this guy! ☺” It put a big smile on my face!
We then proceeded working on a new Website Structure which would meld his Personal work with his Commercial and Editorial one, we rewrote his About page from scratch; eventually we talked about new productions, postproduction, marketing and contracts to create the best possible ground for new clients and new work.
Working with Manos has been simply great: his enthusiasm, professionality and sense of humor made the intense work much less daunting and seeing the results on his new website is truly rewarding. At the moment he's is travelling the world on 4 (!) new big assignments and promised me to keep me updated soon. Good luck Manos, I’m looking forward to hearing all about it!